Employment and Workplace Safety

Our credentials to service the full spectrum of employment law needs of business and corporations are exceptional. We have deep industry and sector knowledge on all areas of labour and employment law, including employment contracts, industrial relations, termination of employment, anti-discrimination and workplace health and safety prosecutions.
Our Services in this area include:
all aspects of employment and consultancy agreements
employment disputes in all courts and tribunals including unfair dismissals, discrimination/harassment and breach of contract
representing employers in the Fair Work Commission in relation to modern awards and enterprise agreements
advising on rights and obligations under common law employment agreements, enterprise agreements and industry awards
developing policies providing for equal opportunity compliance
advising employers on workers’ compensation issues
incident response and workplace health and safety (WHS) regulator engagement
defence of WHS prosecutions at a state/territory and Commonwealth level
advising employers on strategic business restructuring, outsourcing and transfer of business