Aviation Customer Rights Charter Out for Consultation

Following on from the Aviation White Paper, the Federal Government has now released the draft Aviation Customer Rights Charter for consultation. 

The draft Aviation Customer Rights Charter proposes aviation customers have the right to:

  • Be treated with dignity and respect, in an accessible and inclusive environment;

  • Accurate, timely and accessible information and customer service;

  • Prompt and fair remedies and support during and after cancellations, delays and disruptions;

  • Safe and timely baggage handling and fair remedies for damage and delays;

  • The protection of their personal information; and  

  • Provide feedback, make complaints and exercise their rights without retribution.

More information about how each of these rights would be applied is available in the Consultation Paper: https://www.infrastructure.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/aviation-customer-rights-charter-consultation-paper.pdf

Relevantly for airlines, the consultation paper proposes:

  • Where a flight is disrupted or delayed by more than 3 hours for reasons within an airlines control, the customer should receive assistance to rebook without fees, the option to cancel flights with a full refund, meals or access to lounges where food is available and accommodation and transfers, at no cost to the customers.  Refunds should be received within 14 days of the cancellation and should be the default position;

  • Where a flight is boarded but delayed more than 1 hour, customers should be provided with access to amenities, refreshments and updates about the delay;

  • Call centres should include the capability for a call back option or voicemail to avoid customers being on hold for excessive periods; and

  • Claims for lost luggage will be finalised in a timely manner and reimbursements for clothing and toiletries provided if luggage is lost away from a passenger’s home.

Submissions on the draft are due by 28 February 2025.

Keira Nelson


T: +61 2 9230 9440

E: keira.nelson@nortonwhite.com

Address: Level 4, 66 Hunter Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Nick Humphrey


T: +61 2 9230 9437

T:+971 56 410 0871 (UAE)

E: nick.humphrey@nortonwhite.com

Address: Level 4, 66 Hunter Street, Sydney NSW 2000


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